Diffusion and migration of nanoparticles and filaments suspended in oscillating flow

Sylwia Pawłowska

Miękka okładka | Angielski

ISBN: 978-83-65550-15-6

Wydanie: Warszawa 2018

30.00 zł


Opis książki:

The subject of this work is an experimental analysis of the dynamics of nanoobjects suspended in a liquid. The research will make it possible to appreciate the role played by hydrodynamic and ionic interactions on the transport properties of Brownian solid spherical obj ects, as well as strongly deformable nanofilaments and macromolecules. In the first stage of the work, an analysis of the Brownian fluctuations of spherical nanoparticles suspended in electrolytes was conducted. This report presents the results of the research carried out on the influence of the medium ionic strength and the wall on the size of the apparent (hydrodynamic) diameter of these spherical nanoobjects. The second stage of the research concerns the mobility of deformable nanoobjects with a structure similar to long macromolecules. These are nanofilaments made of a hydrogel material. The original coaxial electrospinning technique was developed to produce them. This technique allows for the fabrication of core-shell fibres, with a highly elastic hydrogel filamentous core. The mechanical properties of nanofilaments are evaluated by analysing their Brownian characteristics. The aim of this analysis is to determine the value of the persistent length of the object analysed, which is correlated with its bending Young's module.

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